How much work is it to use Kontain?

Very, very little. You can build Kontainers from your unmodified application code. Depending on your implementation choices, you may need to slightly modify your dockerfiles. Other than that, your development, build, and testing is unchanged. Deploying Kontain is equally easy; you merely need to make sure the Kontain runtime is installed and invoked whenever you or your orchestration system wants to run a Kontainer. Since you don’t have to change your source code at all, and Kontain is OCI and CRI compatible, you don’t have to make a big commitment to try Kontain. Just try it on one of the microservices in your app, leaving your other microservices as traditional containers. Over time, you can convert your other containers to Kontainers at whatever pace you see fit. And converting from Kontainers back to containers is as simple as going back to your original dockerfile.